ANX Certified Service Providers

The ANX certification process includes a rigorous set of over 120 service quality metrics broken into the following categories: Network Service, Interoperability, Performance, Reliability, Business Continuity, Security, Customer Care and Trouble Handling. ISPs wishing to provide ANX services must meet 100% of the service quality metrics in order to become an ANX Certified Service Provider (CSP). Once certified the CSP must verify that they continue to meet ANX service quality requirements on a regular basis.

The following ISPs have been certified by the ANXO to provide ANX Network connectivity:

ANX Account Number CSP Name ANX Certification State
IS-000091 SBC ANX Certified - CSP
IS-000093 Bell Canada ANX Certified - CSP
IS-000095 Verizon Business ANX Certified - CSP
IS-000097 AT&T ANX Certified - CSP

Managed Network Services
