ANX Community
Managed Remote Access

We're glad you stopped by! Interested in remote access technology and solutions? Post your question and comment and engage our community of users with a similar interest.

We would like to thank everyone who participated in our Remote Access Contest. We had several of our followers share their funny or harrowing remote access stories for the chance to win $100 or a Flip Video HD Recorder...
We really enjoyed reading all the posts, comments and stories.
We are happy to annouce the winner of our contest...Jacek!
Jacek shared his story aboout his job at a computer chop shop playing a trick on a fellow co-worker. Read more of Jacek's story here.
Again, we thank you all for sharing your stories. Check back at for more contests in the future for another chance to win great prizes!

Do you have a funny or troublesome remote access story? We want to hear it.
More people are accessing corporate networks from alternate locations than ever before. Even with in-house staff, the need for external access due to storms, volcanoes and the like have increased to meet work flow demands. The need for remote access isn’t limited to in-house employees either. Vendors, customers and consultants sometimes need secure access too.
Have you needed to access your corporate networks externally in a pinch? We have too.
So we want to know…
What was your funniest or most trying remote access experience? Share it with us, and we will enter you into a drawing for a $100 American Express Gift Card.
- Post a story or an...
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We'd appreciate your feedback on how we can further improve PositivePRO remote access.
Please take our short survey and receive a $10 Starbucks card for helping us out.
Click Here for the PositivePRO Development Survey