What 2011 Holds in Store for Your GRC Program – Five Predictions | Prediction #5
Posted December 21, 2010, 12:25 pm by Chris Noell

Chris Noell
What does 2011 hold in store for your GRC program? My first three predictions were:
Prediction #1: Greater Focus on Risk Management Capabilities
Prediction #2: Redeployment of Internal Resources
Prediction #3: Self-Service for Greater Efficiency
Prediction #4: Increase Use of Contract / Vendor Management
Read below for my final prediction for 2011 GRC programs.
Prediction #5 | SaaS Overtakes Software
It’s no secret the traditional favorite of clients is to implement an on-premise solution. However, in 2011, more than 50% of new implementations will leverage a SaaS delivery model for GRC. In today’s economy, when organizations are able to take advantage of lower operating costs, faster time to value, less implementation risk, more flexibility, and less vendor risk when adopting a SaaS model, I don’t believe the above statement is so far off.
At the end of the day, 2011 will definitely be an exciting year for GRC programs.
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