A firewall alone does not provide enough protection

Posted October 19, 2010, 2:02 pm by Glenn Moore

I'm surprised by the number of business owners who believe their information is safe because it's behind a firewall.  That's not the case anymore.  Over the past decade, content-based threats have emerged as the thornier problem.  A firewall without unified threat management (UTM) services enabled is like a car without an airbag.  In both cases, you're just not protected enough.  Cyber threats such as botnets, phishing scams and keystroke loggers are not prevented by simple firewall technology.   In fairness, most firewall vendors do offer subscription UTM services  for malware, spam and intrusion detection.  However, turning these services on can result in performance issues such as longer response times when browsing.  All too frequently, many IT contacts succumb to pressure from disgruntled end users and turn off the firewall based UTM measures.  ANX has a cloud-based UTM solution that works with any firewall.  Traffic is just routed from the firewall to the ANX cloud for inspection and cleansing.  There are no additional CPU requirements placed on the firewall.

Check out the benefits of ANX's CloudDefender product on this short video:


Edited January 11, 2018 by Glenn
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